Service Times This Week

Service locations in the right hand column below.

Paisley - 9:30 Worshiping at Christ Church, Tara

Chesley - 9:30 Worshiping at Christ Church, Tara

Christ Church Tara/Invermay - 9:30 am #56 Union Street Tara

St Paul's Chatsworth - 11:30 am #57 Toronto Sydenham St Chatsworth

Service times are also on the parish phone:
(519) 797-2984

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Announcements - Regional Ministry Announcements ~January 10, 2015


We are delighted you are here! We offer a warm welcome to everyone, especially our guests. Please speak to a greeter or clergy (Rev. Carrie or Rev. Jason) if you have any questions.

Weekly Sunday Services:

St. Paul’s, Southampton - 9 am.
Christ Church, Tara - 9:30 am*
St. John’s, Port Elgin - 11:00 am
St. Paul’s, Chatsworth - 11:30 am*

*On the last Sunday of each month, Tara and Chatsworth come together for a joint service at 10am. Please note: the joint service for January will be on January 10th, Christ Church, Tara

This Week at a Glance:

Centering Prayer –Tuesday, 10-10:20am (St. Paul’s), followed by Coffee & Conversation (10:30am-12:00pm)

Lectio Divina – Wednesday, 10-10:30am (St. John’s)
If you’ve never experienced Lectio Divina before, join us on Wednesdays, 10am to learn this ancient and simple way of praying with Scripture.

Choir Practice – Thursday, 3pm (St. John’s)

Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, 8am, (St. Paul’s)

Lenten Book Discussion: We will be hosting a Regional Ministry-wide group book discussion during Lent. If you are interested in participating, please speak with Rev. Carrie or Rev. Jason. Stay tuned for more details!

Pastoral Care: If you are in need of or know of anyone who would like a pastoral visit, speak with Rev. Carrie or Rev. Jason.

An opportunity to help: The Saugeen Shores Refugee Fund is looking for volunteers to help clean the home into which the Syrian refugee family will be moving upon their arrival in Canada. The clean-up date is Wednesday Dec. 30. Please contact Peggy Inkster at (519-832-4926) or to confirm your participation and to receive the address of the home.

Please share these announcements with someone this will help them feel connected to our Family. 
Please submit all announcements to Rev. Jason at by Wednesday at noon.

~The 2nd Sunday of Epiphany~
Isaiah 62:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11

Upcoming Vestry Meetings:
Sunday January 10 – Tara & Chatsworth
Sunday January 17 – St. John’s
Sunday January 24 – St. Paul’s
Vestry meetings will immediately follow the morning service.

“In every congregation within the Diocese there shall be a Vestry composed of all the baptized members of such congregation who have reached 16 years of age and who for at least three months during the preceding 12 months of the date of the relevant Vestry meeting have been identifiably involved with such congregation with regular worship, fellowship and financial support to that congregation…”
Canon 18, Canons of the Diocese of Huron

St Paul's Southampton

In our parish we pray for… A prayer list is located at the front of the church. Please add the names of those you know who require our prayers. These names will be read during the Prayers of the People. You are also invited to light a candle in remembrance of friends and loved ones.

It’s Marmalade Time: We will be starting on Monday Jan. 11. Volunteers are needed every Monday in January at 9am - no experience needed!  Thank-you to everyone who donated to the sugar; we have enough. Thank-you to Ted Rivest who picked it up. If you wish to make a donation toward the Certo and fruit, please see Wendy Switzer. We welcome the return of any marmalade jars.

We collected $1014.92 in the coin jar campaign for the Salvation Army. Thank you for your continued generosity in supporting local mission activities.

Gentle Yoga: The next classes start Tuesday, Jan. 5 and Thursday Jan. 7, 10-11am until the end of Feb. (23 & 25); 8 weeks. Sign up for the full session for $48 or join on a per class basis of $8 per session. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.

Event Planning Team: we are looking to form a team of enthusiastic individuals who are keen on brainstorming and implementing social and fundraising events for St. Paul’s and for community initiatives. If you are interested, please speak with one of the wardens.

Carpooling and Counters: We need your help with providing rides to members of our congregation and/or counting the offering following the service. If you are able to help, please contact the wardens. Thank-you to those who’ve already volunteered to help!

Quiet Prayer: St. Paul’s is open every Tuesday morning from 9am-12pm for quiet prayer.

St. John’s, Port Elgin
~Upcoming Events
- Council Meeting: Tuesday Jan. 12, 1:30pm
- Friday Lunch Group: Allan’s Fireside Grill, 12:30pm
- Knitting: Tuesday Feb. 2, 7pm
- Pancake Supper: Tuesday Feb. 9

Collection for Bale: Clyde River is an impoverished community and remain grateful for the bales we send. Please consider purchasing winter items that are currently on sale for us to send in the bale next October.

Games Night: Playing cards and board games are fun for all ages. If you are interesting in participating in a games night and potluck, please speak with Barb Geldhill (519-832-6809).

Christ Church, Tara & St. Paul’s, Chatsworth

Tara Food Bank: Open every Wednesday from 1-4pm. Contact Sandra Gunson for more information or for after-hours delivery (519-934-2039).

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Renewal - Behold I make all things new. Rev 21:5

The Spirit is moving! Dreams are taking shape! Enthusiasm is growing! All across the Diocese of Huron Renew is creating a spirit of renewal!
It is both exciting and gratifying to see the way parishes are answering the call and engaging with Renew. Important questions are being asked.
" How can we better proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ? How can we respond with loving care to the critical needs in our community? What can we do to make a difference where we are? How can we grow the church? What do we want our future to look like?"

The answers to these critical questions have begun to generate projects to strengthen the mission and ministry of parishes at the local level. In many parishes, financial campaigns to generate the necessary resources to make dreams a reality have already begun. In many more, the groundwork is being laid. Wherever parishes are engaging with Renew, excitement is growing and hope for the future is blossoming. Now that is something to celebrate!

So much is being done. So much more is possible. For the future of your parish, for the sake of your community, for the love of God, it is time to get involved. Dream ... Plan ... Engage.

Dreaming is fine, but fund raising ... Where do we begin?
Use your imagination. Do not discount the gifts and skills that already exist in your parish family. Planning projects and/or special events can be a great way to involve the whole parish, young and old alike. It might even be fun. However, if you just don't know where to begin, go to the Renew website You will find lots of information on how to organize a Renew parish or deanery event. If you are still stuck, contact Heather Moller at , Lynda McGregor at or Amanda Gellman at  We are trying to secure the future for both the parishes and the Diocese. Please keep in mind the Diocesan Case for Renew.

The Diocese has many, many resources to help you succeed.
Dream ... Plan ... Engage. Good luck!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Prayer for Renewal

Faithful God, giver and renewer of life and source of all blessing, with hearts full of hope we look expectantly forward as we undertake RENEW in our parish and in our Diocese, asking what it means to be church in this day and in this age. While much has changed around us, your enduring and sustaining love continues to support and direct us along new paths. Empower us each with a vision for the future, giving us eyes to see where we are, where we have been, and what opportunities for service surround us as the face of Huron is transformed in wonderful and diverse ways. Taking the gifts we bring, transform them by the power of your Holy Spirit that each parish encountering their particular community might take the good news of the Gospel to where it is needed, that youth might be impassioned, that leaders might be empowered, that reaching beyond our own diocese, we might with others participate in larger ministries of care, justice and compassion. We commit ourselves to RENEW and to renewal in our lives and in our communities, in the name of Jesus, through whom all things are made new.